Collaboration Over Competition with Shannon Moore and Stephanie Rothstein 

 May 27, 2021

Episode 32


We’ve got another twofer for you! Shannon Moore and Stephanie Rothstein are uber-connected educators focused on collaboration, reflection, and empowering others to be their best. They share why hard doesn’t have to equal bad and how passionate people can come together to pursue things passionately.


Special Guests: Shannon Moore and Stephanie Rothstein 

Shannon: Shannon is a HS ELA / Speech Teacher and Tech Coach from California who is passionate about relationships in education and aims to empower the voices of others. As a Google for Education Certified Trainer and Adobe Creative Educator, she’s always seeking out new ways to integrate creativity across her school site because she believes creative thinking fuels innovation. She’s a Global GEG Leader and #edtech geek who believes each educator’s lessons can be elevated when the skills meet the tech. There’s power in pushing the limits and she aims to prove that in the way she lives her life.

Twitter: @smoore_teach

Stephanie: “I am an 18 year educator, EDU Mentor, Speaker, Writer, Google Innovator, Trainer & Coach. I am an EdTech TOSA for Los Gatos Saratoga UHSD, Co-Chair a Design Thinking pathway and teach English. My work I’m most proud to share: TedX Talk ‘My Year of Yes to Me’ published on; writing multiple articles for Edutopia and more; being awarded CUE Outstanding Educator of the year for 2020; creating CanWeTalkEDU; and co-founding Global GEG. I advocate for always modeling the risks we expect. I earned my Admin credential with the plan to always support others on their journeys.”

Twitter: @steph_edtech


Shannon Moore and Stephanie Rothstein in Episode 32 Competition Over Collaboration

🍋  We’d love to sweeten your day with some #LemonadeLearning swag 🍋

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